Day 4... Wednesday July 25

Hello everybody,  we are Robin, Lidewij, Dominika and Marco.  We would like to share with you our day, here at the Neflac summer academy.
As this is already our fourth day, you can imagine how tired we are because our days are very full of useful activities but we still manage to concentrate until the end of the day. 
So, today we started our morning differently with yoga. Since our bodies are not flexible enough for it,  for us it was a bit difficult.. But also funny! We tried our best with the stretching but since we are not flexible as our yoga teacher, the balance excersises ended up on the ground, hahah.. And now being serious :) ... It really helped us to wake our bodies up and for us it was really nice to be able to do it outside in the nature. 
Since for us this was the first free morning, we had a bit time for ourselves for practicing and Lideweij had two friends coming over. 
In the afternoon the Yip group had a nice workshop with Wieke where we could ask everything we want to. The most questions were about the stage presentation, useful practicing,  stress management etc. 
After this workshop, Marco had his open masterclass where he played a piece called VOICE where he could show our younger colleagues some contemporary effects while playing the flute.
Since we are devided in two different groups, later in the afternoon we had an opportunity to play all together in the orchestra. For us it was interesting because all of us had a chance to play different flutes, like contrabass flute, which is quite rare. 
We are told that we shouldn't talk about the meals here but today was a special dinner and we have to mention it because,  guess what? WE GOT A FRIES and it was delicious ! yeeey :)
For the end of the day we had a very special workshop. Otto de Jong from the organisation called "Musicians without borders" prepared very interesting and touching course for us. He encouraged us to feel free with making music in front of each other and also to not be afraid to cross our limits in it, by playing drums and singing with the whole group. 
We hope you enjoyed reading about our day and don't forget to check our next blog tomorrow about another interesting day. 
Hope to see you on our concert on Saturday, 
Robin, Lidewij, Dominika and Marco


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